Thursday, April 17, 2008

The smallness of the world in which we live.....

It hits me occassionally and reconfirms my theories about living in Africa and its relation to how little it takes for something to become news worthy.

One might argue that its because things are too rural that we dont get to report that much news. I would like to argue that its because we dont think our news is that interesting...thats why we do not report on it.

Uganda has over 50 districts... The Newvision Newspaper reports on these districts in regions and usually something that happened at the district headquarters.. usually something to do with health or education.

This is all well and good... but what happens to the rest of the region? Are there no local activities we should be interested in should we decide to move to a certain region? waiit.. thats right.. we dont move to regions, we all want to live in the capital. But can you really blame us???

In the name of promoting our different districts, the most we know is provided in some touristy guide, if we even bother to read the information.

We have all gotten caught up in "living in the fast lane" that we have forgotten that fundamentally news really is about what is happening around us.

It is important that we know about cholera outbreaks, about changes in democratic process... but really... how many of us know that if we moved back home, we could actually save our money or invest for those at home through micro financing or that our children might be better suited to spend time in the "country" because they would experience better learning there.

I guess the point im trying to make is, yes news is important... but at the end of the day, we know more of whats happening in Tibet than in our constituencies. If that isnt a problem, then i guess the problem is with me.


Anonymous said...

deeps. Lost me a little.

Knoppix!® said...

Lol.They say information is power but very few of know so and if we do we all gossipers.More often than not when we try to dig out for more info we are labelled gossipers only intrested in others stuff.

But wait....aint we the same ones digging the BBC and CNN websites for info on Tibet and Jlo or Mariah Carey?I always confine Uganda to Kampala,Entebbe and Kony's Territory and perhaps MUK.Honestly i cant mention anything much about UG save for Kabaka.

Looool time we proded the M7s and Kibakis to market our countries wholisticly.Nice piece Tands...........

KK said...

Everywhere I go I see 1nt3ll and T... Now that if that is not a problem....
O.K. Just kidding. I think the whole issue has to do with our collective self image and self worth.