Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking Back..............

Hey folks am back.I feel ashamed i havent blogged for a damn whole year and nothing could be sickening as such.Last year was quite a year as many of you might admit.I had promised myself to get rich and lead the life that Kibaki's son lives but all that is like water passing under the bridge.

I want to keep this brief but will just start to tell you i have so much to blog about this year and certainly its my candid hope all the stories here will be enjoyable to you all.For a start i want to co-opt some new members into my blog so we can share the blogging all together.

Kenya is in some sort of quagmire right now but we all hope to make it together.Welcome to BEHIND A FOOLS MIND 2008 Full edition!

1 comment:

Shiko-Msa said...

Knoppix!! OSA - that's a new one! Thanks all the same. I look forward to your stories from Nakuru as promised. We can still get rich. It's not too late.