Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You should not be ashamed of being pregnant

That statement in itself is enough to make you speculate on the reasons as to why you are pregnant in the first place. Realistically, you must have engaged in some worthwhile pursuit of pleasure which resulted in an infusion of biological fragments that landed you in the predicament in which you presently find yourself.

Assuming this occurance happened of your own free will, then predicament would be too strong a word to apply. Probably situation or even circumstance. And in this case, you should have no reason to be ashamed.

If on the other hand, you were forced and ended up in your present situation, then maybe you have every reason to droop your head in shame.

Unfortunately, as is the case with everything in life, human interpretations of happenings, are not that simple.

There are many schools of thought out there on pregnancy as a process and eventual out come. I will share some now.

One set of people argue that pregnancies ruin figures, apetite and general appearance of being attractive and interested in life. This assesment, like many others, depend on the person in question, many people have carried more than 3 children and you cannot tell by looking at them. If unfortunately you are one of the unlucky ones, whose figure tends to go south and you become bitter with life in general, then maybe you should be ashamed of being pregnant. The whole world and his sister should not suffer because you are suddenly uncomfortable in your own skin.

Another set might argue that since you only suffer 9 months, you should shoulder the circumstance like the good soilder the woman is. These tend to see pregnancy as responsibility or duty rather than appreciation of a gift. Their arguement is that since you were built with the equipment to bear children, use it and move on.

This preoccupation with duty is not a bad thing in itself, i would just like to caution such people by saying, people have died in the name of duty or have suffered complications and cannot bear more children in the name of doing their duty.

There is yet another set of people who i will call "romantic" who are inlove with the idea of being pregnant and these would probably be the people who are not embarrased in any way to be pregnant. I commend them.All of us should embrace the situation, be proud of the moment, cherish the moment. It only happens so often, if God grants it.

The one arguement or theme that runs along all the different sets of ideas and does justice to the whole idea of procreation shall remain the edict that God made that we should go into the world and multiply. I have seen many people take this to heart, and to them i say "good luck".

My only arguement is, if you must multiply at an alarming rate, have the decency to plan properly and i am not talking about Family planning in particular. Im talking about having children you can actually take care of.

I have walked along the streets of the city, i have seen more children without parents than with them. Where are the "responsible" paragons of society that willingly engage in procreation but do not care enough what happens once the child is born.

To them i say,you SHOULD be ashamed to be pregnant.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Respect For Structures.................................

I like this particular song and acouple of others which i will once i remember the lyrics in the subsquent posts.Sometimes i drool when listening to such songs on how i could sing them to sinyora if only i had one.Tandra comes into mind but she is after a Mullah and i aint anywhere near the title of Mullah let alone a Sheikh so i guess if she dint have that overwhelming ambition /stance , she could have been the one i sing the lyrics to when she acts up...........lol!Kidding.

"We never talked about it,But I hear the blame was mine,Id call you up to say Im sorry,But I wouldnt want to waste your time,cos I love you, but I cant take any more.Theres a look I cant describe in your eyes,Yes we could try, like we tried before,When you kept on telling me those lies
Do you remember...? "
Those are not my words but just the much i can remember from Phil Collins' Hit track "Do You Remember" From the album "But Seriously" so don't accuse me of plagiarism coz i have mentioned my sources.So i celebrated my birthday in bed after so much thoughts hitting my head back and forth.My head and life is still like a scrambled signal for your TV when it shows that stuff we still call rice or Michele Michele the Kenyan Way.Again my team Manchester United drew with Barcelona on the very day of my birthday and i felt like everything evened out for all that i care for, although it was a tad irrittating but what can i do,if am not satisfied with what God giveth then i guess i shall have to go sit on a pin.

The week is coming to a close with not so much to show for it and plenty of bills to settle.Sometimes one feels like you shouldn't have gotten into town coz the cost is too high than the returns but what do you do in that event?Soldier on and assume and even pretend all is okay.Tands calls it a defeatist approach but personally i lack the word or name to label but i call it optimism temporarily.

At this point one can easily point out or tell i got no story to tell or post for that matter.I have been observing some people argue and go gagah about this or that and it has been giving me hiccups and leaving me vexed inwardly though.I mean some fellows have completely no respect for structures at all at all.

God made us in his own image,and remember we read nowhere about the schools he attended and even colleges but he did some work that no single fool from Harvard or Yale can do.He put the nose where he deemed fit,he placed the eyes where he deemed fit,the ears and so on..........One final thing that he did that was exhuming to mind is where he placed the brains,thus we have one's head as the control panel of the body.He had his reasons and we have to repect that.

The head is credited with among other things feeding the body,sense of smell and sound and even direction but the main one is Reasoning.So what beats my small head is why some guys have deliberately ignored the role of the head?Why the usurpation of the head's role?Perhaps am not clear,lately some people have resorted to using the inventory (read buttocks) to reason.Some have began using the nose to reason or think,some have resorted to the mouth.I mean what the heck is all this?Why cant guys let the head do its thing.Is it a juvenile bout we are experiencing or what?Every conversation you get into or hear its not the brain talking,it could either be the feet if its not the nose.You end up getting irritated and in a very awkward position.

In short let guys learn to have respect for structures as set out in God's handbook.Let the head do its work and so will the nose.If the head wasnt sharpened at school or college, demand for a refund.Am done..........................

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dithering At 28.................

I havent posted and yet i had promised to post as often as i could get a chance to and so that means i havent had a chnace to but i have had many chances poking my nose into other blogs and making comments here and there as if it was a comment donation day(s).Anyhow i had and have to make this post whichever way.Its Now official since sometime seven oclock yesternight that am 28 years of age and not even our very Own Sam Kivuitu can mistally my age if his recent action in decemmber is anything to base my worries on.Atleast that does not form part of my worries.

I had a particulary boring,slow and dejected weekend just almost like someone suffering from a bout of dementia.The same mood has dragged itself into my week and things aint looking any better as we get into yet another weekend.Again i realised there is no joy when one is broke but again the more broke we get the more broke again we get and the more loaded we get the more problems and broke we become.That said and my point being that i am having a boring week all through and feeling lazy and withdrawn than ever.

Elsewhere,today is my birthday and this maks me afford to laugh and laugh almost at nothing.Firstly i dont have like any wild expectation of a present let alone chocolate of a bar of ice-cream.I would be sick to expect anything from anyone.I am such a loner, the issue or the business of chasing hipsters or girlfriends is not my bottle of beer,my boyfriends and a couple of them dont even remember if and when their birthdays occur or fall to be.Thats the classical case of most of us growing up in the village and completing civilisation in the city.But i remember those of us who were lucky to attend boarding schools and dared mention their b/days to friend and foe,they could be rounded up and buckets of water poured on them and cry or laugh your birthday was done.The only thing i hated was people i long suspected to be gays,they could undertake their B/days in a very intimate way that made me not have foods like cakes and biscuits and bluband in months.I sort of graphically embeded their covert actions with the foods and i was done.

Gays werent my focal point and i have my reservations about them and not that i dont want to respect their trade here but my point about them is a topic in this blog for another day.The long and short of the birthday thingy is that its quite funny i cant celebrate my birthday like other folks do and i wonder if i am cursed ..... but wait does my mum n dad do after all ........what the heck do i worry about and they are still expending granaries of ugali and energetically so.I guess i will hit my local and drink afew pints in the company of a friend or the barman or barmaid for that matter and wispher its my birthday maybe she/he might buy me a crate of beer as the present.

The title as you may have noticed is about dithering.Dithering in my limited knowledge of engilsh is to be undecided about some issue or idea.Recently as recent as a month ago,i recieved a text message from one of my brothers Phillip that i was under obligation to attend some meeting and the agenda was not specified.I like to attend meetings with agendas listed so i can do my homework and or decline to attend if the meeting could lead to contestations or acrimony and any other unpleasant results.I petitioned Phil to give me the agenda but he couldnt yield.So i Turned to Wilfred and he told me he had been invited and agenda or no agenda he was attending.So i was all alone.Since we are only three brothers around and the rest are all over the greener acreage i was one against two and so i decided to abscond all together.After all the resolutions they passed could be communicated to me vis-avis the modern means.

The meeting was basically between dad, the big two and i.I am the last born and i have always taken the rebel position basically because like i have said here before i dont like other people making decisions for others by virtue of being older than them.I have grown up throw impositions being placed on my back to shoulder till few years ago when i made a full rebel call and took charge of my own me.To fastrack my sermon of the day,the meeting took place and i got a call from one of them telling me how dissapointed they were that i was not in attendance.So i switched to the other and he told me a resolution was passed; should i call it like KANU's resolution 20/20 !!!!Looooool.This was a shocker of my life.

It was like a clande gone berserk demanding upkeep with one's paging!The resolution 20/20 if we can call it so, was that i shall have to get married.Look for a suitable lady of my choice and settle down.I went quiet for about half a minute and then hang up and he called back.My explanations to him that i had plans to do other things with my life before covering myself with someone under one blanket but he could have none of it.So i excused myself and told him let me consult my gods first.Way before this 20/20 resolution,over a bottle of beer,my older friends kept - and still do today- asking about my wife and i would pretend as to say she is fine and some wanted introduction of which i declined citing the busy schedule of hers but with the hindsight of not actually having one.I decided to duck this company albeit not wholly.So when this call 20/20 came i felt like they had been in discussion with my family.Again i realised the oldish image i have been projecting whilst steering clear of young company, was making them think i was married.There are some other events and places i have stated i am not married sparking off insults and abuses.

That said,the thought of marrying comes into mind at times and then i ask myself,whom do i marry,how do i plan myself and how do i make the marriage binding devoid of small time problems like infidelity and maintaining a good label on it.When such thoughts dog me i normally resign to my drink and flush them away.Fine assuming you met M/s right and got married and financially i am unsteady given the nature of my calling,do we go tearing bedsheets to wrap the results of the matrimonial excuses?????Married pundits argue you dont need so much to marry -not like as in wedding- but to maintain a wife, but ironically we are always at the counter with them telling us how the wife is making demand after another.So they unknowingly scare and encourage, a classical case of blowing hot and cold.

Am at a crossroads and to date i shudder at the thought of resolution 20/20 and i want to forget it as soon as i could or can.If you were me what would you do and you have just hit 28 an age that sounds pretty legit for one to hikania or marry for that case.Over to you singles and doubles alike.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The smallness of the world in which we live.....

It hits me occassionally and reconfirms my theories about living in Africa and its relation to how little it takes for something to become news worthy.

One might argue that its because things are too rural that we dont get to report that much news. I would like to argue that its because we dont think our news is that interesting...thats why we do not report on it.

Uganda has over 50 districts... The Newvision Newspaper reports on these districts in regions and usually something that happened at the district headquarters.. usually something to do with health or education.

This is all well and good... but what happens to the rest of the region? Are there no local activities we should be interested in should we decide to move to a certain region? waiit.. thats right.. we dont move to regions, we all want to live in the capital. But can you really blame us???

In the name of promoting our different districts, the most we know is provided in some touristy guide, if we even bother to read the information.

We have all gotten caught up in "living in the fast lane" that we have forgotten that fundamentally news really is about what is happening around us.

It is important that we know about cholera outbreaks, about changes in democratic process... but really... how many of us know that if we moved back home, we could actually save our money or invest for those at home through micro financing or that our children might be better suited to spend time in the "country" because they would experience better learning there.

I guess the point im trying to make is, yes news is important... but at the end of the day, we know more of whats happening in Tibet than in our constituencies. If that isnt a problem, then i guess the problem is with me.

Hipster...........What Does It Cost???????

Kenya is a very funny country of sorts .It has some things are as good and some are just as bad, but hey thats where i got born and still shall be buried if my fate is cast in stone like i want to believe.I cheated myself for almost the whole of last year about stuff i wanted to do and stuff i wanted to avoid but oops all that was a waste and i think last year was the year i cant file any returns if there was any body that demands returns like those of revenue authority i would file zero returns.So many down turns kept bogging me after the other.

Rewind back to the other year that was 2006 and i had so many tidings although there were short falls here and there but life wasnt that stressing at all.There are stories that i did post here that were seemingly fictional but were 10/10 very true and a couple of them have had and or yielded follow ups here and there.One of them was jeans and the other was about my funny dating friend.Jeans is not directly related to this post but the basis might sound similar.

In the dying months of the year that was 2006 my friend whom i will change his name to Tom due to the highly sensitive nature of this post was shopping for the other half yes that one.Because we are drinking buddiez he could brief me about his escapades and i brief him about mine.So as we were briefing and debriefing each other one day he told me about this lady she had found who did the same job as we did in a hipster.He described to me how magnificent she looked and they had a date going on and most dates in where i am at are not thos cappuccino shiznit dates, they are infact drinking dates coz even the ladies around here remotely ask you if and when coupled with where you will buy a drink or is a drank like they sing in the US.

Come the due date and i was there innocently and typical with Kenyan ladies she was there with another equally stunning lady friend or were they girlfriends.A couple of drinks flying on the air and bar hoping set in , we had to switch pubs again.We talked about work challenges and stuff,laughed about this or the other and numbers were exchanged so the die was cast.I noticed again she was in an hipster.It reminded me of when one goes to buy a new phone.There are always dummies on display just to show you what to expect if you settled for whatever choice it is you make.So this hipster according to my friend suggested to him what he could expect if he was to bag her heart.How wrong must he have been?

Time went by and they soon began dating and the romour was now doing rounds and some of our very honest friends approached him and cautioned him about her and since he was head over heels about the dummy he had seen in the damn hipster he wouldn't listen.Since our friend Mike worked with the lady,he begged her to leave our Tom alone coz he knew she knew how to milk fresians dry but she dismissed Mike and the rest of us as being skeptical and that they will eventually marry happily.Such romours can fly and people resist but its the end that says it all.My boy then started avoiding us and time has flown by we are now in 2008 and all we could do was bump into him in situations that he didnt really like.She technically moved in.Since the demands for the hipsters went up Tom started messing work.After the demands shot upwards our dearest Tom had to look for extra finances and he approached barclays plc and you know them.They lend in fair weather and take during the rainy season.......atleast in Mark Twain's words.I dont wanna delve into that.

Soon Tom began being broke after also being sacked and the hippie ran his way and left our Tom alone.So our Tom started languishing in abject.And who was Tom he was evicted from his house due to the rent shiznit.He moved to a friends and soon or later he started selling his personal belongings and turned into boozing bigtime.So from then on am still amazed about the power of this HIPSTER piece of Fabric.What is this it got.I thought it doesnt go past the dummy issue just that a dummy.I have since given up and steer clear of ladies in that fabric.I wonder how much it costs because it seems to have bad and costly repercussions.So Am only going to chase skirts if ever i do chase them.If there is any lady out there better tell me what it costs to purchase a HIPSTER .Like folks sign off in help letters..........

Confused Kenyan!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Looking Back..............

Hey folks am back.I feel ashamed i havent blogged for a damn whole year and nothing could be sickening as such.Last year was quite a year as many of you might admit.I had promised myself to get rich and lead the life that Kibaki's son lives but all that is like water passing under the bridge.

I want to keep this brief but will just start to tell you i have so much to blog about this year and certainly its my candid hope all the stories here will be enjoyable to you all.For a start i want to co-opt some new members into my blog so we can share the blogging all together.

Kenya is in some sort of quagmire right now but we all hope to make it together.Welcome to BEHIND A FOOLS MIND 2008 Full edition!