Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Truth.......Behind Two Idlers' Minds.............!

I met my friend Davvy and we spent sometime together and after all we always spend time together but today it was much more than the idling that we always do.Just imagine two of us idling in a car talking endlesslessly never mind that i always skive from duty to just sit and gossip about this or the other!Fools uh!Maybe maybe not!Whichever way you want to look at the glass!Half,full have your take...............Well we bumped into some topic and decided to indulge into it and funny thing we never got to the end of it!Like hatungeweza kujitoa kwa hiyo story!What was at stake is that we wanted to know what can one describe as truth!Suddenly we digressed and got into academics.Me was thinking that truth ni ukweli ya kawaida by which are told will set you free.Kumbe i was right but still wrong.

So as we fared on it emerged to us that there are two types of truth!Firstly there is truth which is that which is universally acceptable as fact.It got me thinking and after a random research came up with sevral definitions that left me wondering why a simple five letter word should have several meanings:absolute certainty, absolute credibility, absoluteness, accomplished fact, accuracy, actuality, actually, assurance, assuredness, authenticity, axiom, brocard, candor, certain knowledge, certainness, certainty, certitude, correctness, credibility, dead certainty, definiteness, determinacy, determinateness, dictate, dictum, fact, facts, factuality, fait accompli, formula, genuineness, golden rule, gospel, grim reality, historicity, in fact, in truth, ineluctability, inerrability, inerrancy, inevitability, infallibilism, infallibility, law, necessity, nonambiguity, noncontingency, not a dream, objective existence, positiveness, postulate, precision, predestination, predetermination, principium, principle, probatum, proposition, proved fact, reality, really, rightness, rule, self-evident truth, settled principle, sureness, surety, theorem, trueness, truism, truly, truth-loving, truth-speaking, truth-telling, truthfulness, unambiguity, unequivocalness, universal truth, univocity, unmistakableness, veraciousness, veracity, veridicality, verity!

That aside David baffled me on again when he gave me the second meaning of the same.So secondly we then started look at truth as an antecedent.As it were an antecedent is that which happened earlier or preceeded a current event,meaning,fact or being the list is mind boggling.So Davvy being the proponent of that school of thought,told me there is that truth that we just accept as truth but cant verify its actualness or its accuracy!For example we believe in and that their is God but we cannot empirically prove it but we have accepted it as being the truth,neither can we prove that in those days the lion was the King of the other animals,the Hare was the most cunning of the whole lot and that the hyena was the most greedy but we have accepted it that way and we objectify our images and egos with such stories so as to hear some fools call themselves lions,some refered to as sunguras and wherever they saw all this only fools know!So that it is the second meaning of truth atleast in the minds of two idlers!

So if a fool is foolish what would an idler be =idlish or what would it be.......................looooooooool

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